How can batteries improve drone availability and operational efficiency
How can batteries improve drone availability and operational efficiency
As civil drone missions in general airspace develop rapidly and flight over cities becomes common, operators of heavy-duty missions still tend to operate as they did years ago – one drone at a time, one battery in each drone.
To improve drone availability and operational efficiency, Epsilor offers to connect all battery and charging resources of a drone fleet to a joint connected mass charging network.
Such battery network will enable connecting all battery drone operators to:
- Forecast and optimize its battery resources
- Perform mass charging of batteries prior and during ongoing multiple drone missions
- Support busy takeoff locations with charged batteries brought from other, less busy charging depots
- Send its drones to land, recharge and resupply in locations with available batteries
- Save energy costs by charging when electricity tariff is low
With its vast experience in complicated tactical battery mass charging and resupply operations, Epsilor can be just the right partner for the establishment of large, smart and connected battery and charging missions.